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Commit 320e1bcc authored by Christoph Cullmann's avatar Christoph Cullmann 🍨
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check for endless context switches

avoid infinite loops for broken hl definitions

same trick as for endless looping during normal hl, don't allow more than 1024 changes
parent 4c577562
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......@@ -139,9 +139,22 @@ State AbstractHighlighter::highlightLine(const QString& text, const State &state
// process empty lines
if (text.isEmpty()) {
* handle line empty context switches
* guard against endless loops
* see
int endlessLoopingCounter = 0;
while (!stateData->topContext()->lineEmptyContext().isStay()) {
if (!d->switchContext(stateData, stateData->topContext()->lineEmptyContext(), QStringList()))
// guard against endless loops
if (endlessLoopingCounter > 1024) {
qCDebug(Log) << "Endless switch context transitions for line empty context, aborting highlighting of line.";
auto context = stateData->topContext();
applyFormat(0, 0, context->attributeFormat());
......@@ -293,12 +306,30 @@ State AbstractHighlighter::highlightLine(const QString& text, const State &state
} while (offset < text.size());
* apply format for remaining text, if any
if (beginOffset < offset)
applyFormat(beginOffset, text.size() - beginOffset, *currentFormat);
while (!stateData->topContext()->lineEndContext().isStay() && !lineContinuation) {
if (!d->switchContext(stateData, stateData->topContext()->lineEndContext(), QStringList()))
* handle line end context switches
* guard against endless loops
* see
int endlessLoopingCounter = 0;
while (!stateData->topContext()->lineEndContext().isStay() && !lineContinuation) {
if (!d->switchContext(stateData, stateData->topContext()->lineEndContext(), QStringList()))
// guard against endless loops
if (endlessLoopingCounter > 1024) {
qCDebug(Log) << "Endless switch context transitions for line end context, aborting highlighting of line.";
return newState;
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