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Commit a416f16b authored by Thomas Surrel's avatar Thomas Surrel
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[Task Manager] Bring to current desktop with middle-click

This adds a new possible action when middle-click is used on a task
in the task manager: bringing that task to the current desktop.

FEATURE: 360250

Test Plan:
In the task manager settings > Behavior > On middle-click, select
'Bring to the current desktop', and make sure 'Show only tasks from
the current desktop' is deselected.
Having several applications opened on different virtual desktops,
middle-click on a task from another desktop and check that it is
brought to the current one.

Reviewers: #plasma, hein

Reviewed By: #plasma, hein

Subscribers: ngraham, plasma-devel

Tags: #plasma

Differential Revision:
parent 2e2cfa89
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