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Commit 229be65e authored by Martin Flöser's avatar Martin Flöser Committed by Martin Flöser
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Improve the escape key handling for breaking constrained pointers

So far KWin started to filter out the escape key as soon as it gets
pressed. This was done by unsetting keyboard focus. The idea was to
reset keyboard focus when it is only a short press and that then the
keyboard state is correct for the application. But in practice this
does not work. The only application currently supporting pointer
constraints (Xwayland) does not do anything on a key which is pressed
when gaining keyboard focus. The result is escape not working in
pointer constrained Xwayland windows.

This change addresses this problem by changing the interaction to only
unset keyboard focus when our break constraints condition is met. This
should also result in the application not handling the key release, but
it means it gets the key press. Unfortunately I don't have a good way
to test.

BUG: 378452

Test Plan: None

Reviewers: #kwin, #plasma

Subscribers: plasma-devel, kwin

Tags: #kwin

Differential Revision:
parent 52b21b11
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