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Commit b991d240 authored by Robert Lancaster's avatar Robert Lancaster Committed by Jasem Mutlaq
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As I said, I would try to take care of the Dither issues with PHD2. This...

As I said, I would try to take care of the Dither issues with PHD2.  This patch should prevent the observed problems.

1. It adds a Timer that will keep track of the amount of time since the dither request was initiated.  Then if PHD2 doesn’t respond within the dither timeout that it dithered, then either the capture sequence will continue or it will be aborted depending on whether the user selected ditherFailAbortsAutoGuide.
2. It eliminates some of the dither messages I added when dithering wasn’t working so well.
3. It adds a “Dither” label to the drift graph so that you know when dithering occurred.
4. It prevents GuideSteps during the dither and settle time from being added to the drift Graph.
5. It changes conditions of the dither failure after settle occurs so that if the user didn’t select that ditherFailAbortsAutoGuide it won’t abort the sequence
parent 064437e3
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