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Commit 4b63e3ca authored by Robert Lancaster's avatar Robert Lancaster Committed by Jasem Mutlaq
Browse files

This patch will fix numerous minor OS X issues and will also add some new...

This patch will fix numerous minor OS X issues and will also add some new functionality to OS X with the Astrometry Conf File Editor and to all operating systems with the addition of the Astrometry Index File Configuration Pane.

1.  Adds the Astrometry Index File Configuration Pane.  For now, it just displays what indexes are installed and makes recommendations based on your CCD.  It also gives you a link to the folder so that you can see where to add the index files you need.  In the future I would like to make this an interface for downloading index files you need and possibly temporarily disabling ones that are installed but that you don’t need right now.
2.  Adds the Astrometry.cfg editor for OS X only.  For now, all it does is to load the file into a plain text editor, then allows you to make changes and save them.  Later it might be good to change this to make it more user friendly.  But this does add a decent amount of additional capability already.
3.  Fixes the INDI drivers default directory on OS X. (When not using the Internal Indiserver)
4.  Fixes the constellation art problem.
5.  Changes the server for the GSC zip file download since the other one was not as reliable and slower.
6.  Fixes a bug that could cause problems if you exited the KStars setup wizard without setting the geolocation.
7.  Makes the Astrometry options a QT Tool window on OS X.

Jasem: I made a few modifications to this patch in the GUI and also in implementation. No more update button, it will update on show event. I added an introductory paragraph with icons for each index state instead of having tooltip explanation.
I fixed one issue with math since it was not marking some index files that were required. Change FOV display to match what align module is showing. Prevented new pages from apeparing in Windows since they cannot use offline solver.
parent 7e2c1956
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