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Commit 4d56727c authored by Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen's avatar Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen 🌈
Browse files

Fix the header layouts for EntryDetails and Page components

This ensures that the header is the correct width, and further that
the text does not disappear when there is no space for the text (so
that it elides as intended).


Test Plan:
Without patch: Resize a dialog to make the text not fit, and it disappears
With patch: Resize dialog, text is elided as one would expect, and the header row takes up the correct amount of space

Reviewers: ngraham, #knewstuff, #frameworks, #plasma

Reviewed By: ngraham

Subscribers: ahiemstra, kde-frameworks-devel

Tags: #frameworks

Differential Revision:
parent 6c407091
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