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Commit f0668888 authored by Nate Graham's avatar Nate Graham
Browse files

[FileWidget] Replace "Filter:" with "File type:" when saving with a limited list of mimetypes

The Filter combobox currently always has the label "Filter:" This is appropriate in most
cases, but becomes inaccurate when saving with a limited list of mimetypes. In this case,
the combobox loses its text field and becomes a file type chooser rather than a filter.

This patch changes the label to "File type:" for that use case.

BUG: 79903
FIXED-IN: 5.59

Test Plan:
Opening a file: no changes

Saving a file with no mimetype filter: no changes

Saving a file with a limited list of mimetypes: label is changed

Reviewers: #vdg, elvisangelaccio, GB_2

Reviewed By: elvisangelaccio

Subscribers: pino, apol, kde-frameworks-devel

Tags: #frameworks

Maniphest Tasks: T8552

Differential Revision:
parent a0af8b88
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