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Commit e3a80661 authored by Eike Hein's avatar Eike Hein
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Stuff the "Couldn't find executable" message box into a queued lambda

This fixes a Plasma shell crash in the Task Manager applet: We
use KRun from inside the onReleased handler of a MouseArea. In
this error case this leads to a KMessageBox spinning the event
loop. The delegate hosting the MouseArea is in the meanwhile
deleted because it's replaced by a different one for the startup
creation. After closing the dialog we're back in the destroyed
delegate and crash.

The patch instead opens the message box from a queued-up lambda
run in the context of qGuiApp (guarded by a test for qGuiApp)
so we escape the caller before starting the nested event loop.


Reviewers: dfaure, davidedmundson, mart

Subscribers: #frameworks

Tags: #frameworks

Differential Revision:
parent e3af26bb
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