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Commit 54298c16 authored by Thomas Marshall's avatar Thomas Marshall Committed by Elvis Angelaccio
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Present error dialog when user tries to create directory named "." or ".."

BUG: 387449

In Dolphin, when a user tries to create a folder named "." or "..", they are presented with a dialog that informs them that since the folder name they entered begins with a ".", the folder they are about to create will be hidden. This is, of course, misleading. This patch instead presents them with a similar dialog, informing them of the error and asking them for a new name.





Reviewers: #dolphin, #frameworks, ngraham, dfaure, elvisangelaccio

Reviewed By: #dolphin, ngraham, elvisangelaccio

Subscribers: cfeck, elvisangelaccio, dfaure, tmarshall, bruns, ngraham, kde-frameworks-devel

Tags: #frameworks, #dolphin

Differential Revision:
parent acaa48df
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