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Commit f89c3f7f authored by Martijn Schmidt's avatar Martijn Schmidt Committed by Elvis Angelaccio
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KIOGDrive::copy - resolve the destGDriveUrl's new parent into a destDirId...

KIOGDrive::copy - resolve the destGDriveUrl's new parent into a destDirId before passing it to FileCopyJob in src/kio_gdrive.cpp

KIOGDrive::copy doesn't resolve the destGDriveUrl's new parent into a destDirId before passing it to FileCopyJob, which means it'll be sending an illegal request body to the Google Drive API - for example:

   \"lastViewedByMeDate\":   \"2018-01-10T19:38:11   Z\",
   \"modifiedDate\":   \"2018-01-10T19:38:11   Z\",

The "id" field should contain a valid parent ID rather than an originalFilename, and this patch resolves the right parent ID in one of two ways:

- If the target folder of the copy command is the root of the GDrive, resolve the rootFolderId from the destAccountId.
- If the target folder of the copy command is any other directory on the GDrive, resolve the fileId of the destGDriveUrl's pa...
parent efc22ef8
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