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Commit bc73a098 authored by Stefan Brüns's avatar Stefan Brüns
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[TypeInfo] Improve performance and cleanup

This change applies a change previously done for PropertyInfo also
to TypeInfo. Both classes work in a very similar way.

The actual typeinfo (private) is immutable and can be shared as a
global static, there is no need to allocate it for each instance.

Most importantly, this also removes the localization calls from the
constructor, delaying it to the invocation of "displayName" (which
for many use cases is never called).

Default constructor is sped up by ~50 times, construction from
name by 10...30 times, constructing a typeInfo and invoking
`displayName` is mostly unchanged (dominated by the i18n call).

time [usecs] per iteration
        archive   spreadsheet     folder
   -- benchmarkTypeInfo --
old:      0.381         0.380      0.370
new:      0.006         0.007      0.008
   -- benchmarkTypeInfoFromName --
old:      0.450         2.30       3.40
new:      0.039         0.097      0.110
   -- benchmarkTypeInfoDisplayName --
old:      0.390         0.385      0.370
new:      0.350         0.360      0.350

This also provides the basis for some more cleanup.
parent 761ba7c0
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