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Commit 376cfbda authored by Stefan Brüns's avatar Stefan Brüns
Browse files

[TypeInfo] Use a hash table for faster fromName TypeInfo creation

This reuses the code from propertyInfo, and is also covered by the
existing unit tests.

The old lookup was O(n) (n: number of types), while the new one is
O(1). The new code is at least slightly faster, but may be several
times (4x) faster, more so when additional new types are added.

Benchmark results (old: prior to this series, *: with earlier changes
in this series, new: this code):

time [usecs] per iteration
        archive   spreadsheet     folder
   -- benchmarkTypeInfoFromName --
old:      0.450         2.30       3.40
  *:      0.039         0.097      0.110
new:      0.028         0.034      0.029
parent 9671deef
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