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Commit af84e64d authored by Harald Sitter's avatar Harald Sitter 🐧
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implement a devel switch

the notifier is now registered on dbus org.kde.DistroReleaseNotifier
and exposes a UseDevel property which is basically a runtime config
for using the devel variant in update-manager.

changing the property causes a new poll for a new version. ideally this
would result in a notification popup. the actual upgrader is also invoked
with the devel switch based on the runtime configuration of the dbus

this enables the user to call

qdbus org.kde.DistroReleaseNotifier / org.kde.DistroReleaseNotifier.UseDevel true

to trigger a poll for devel versions. the devel version poll continues to
be enabled until the app is restarted (i.e. mostly when a relog happens)

ideally we'd have another helper app in bin/ which attempts poke the devel
property. this would serve as a shorthand for the aforementioned command
(although maybe we should avoid qdbus since it's buggy as hell thanks to

additionally the dbus interface has a Poll method which specifically
serves as a means to interactive force a poll outside the timer triggers.
this is mostly only useful for testing and has no real real life use IMO
parent 9259b41f
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