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Commit 511ee541 authored by Mario Frank's avatar Mario Frank
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It is now possible to remove tags from people sidebar. This actions are called...

It is now possible to remove tags from people sidebar. This actions are called "Remove Face Tag" and "Remove Face Tags", respectively.
The adoptions check if multiple face tags in the potential subtrees would be removed and asks the user for confirmation.
Also, the adoptions tell the user which face tags are connected to images.
The user can choose to remove not only the face tags but also the connection from the underlying tag to the affected images (untagging).
If he confirms, the metadata is synced to the image files (with writeToMetadata) directly (if lazy sync is off). If lazy sync is activated, the metadata
changes are enqueued.

Furthermore, in people sidebar, only "Remove Face Tag" and "Remove Face Tags" can be selected as actions.
I removed "Delete Tag" and "Delete Tags" since these actions should be located only in tags sidebar.
Otherwise, users may be confused about the semantics. And I think we should keep functionality where it fits best semantically.
Thus, delete tags in tags sidebar and remove faces in people sidebar.

CCBUGS: 374225
parent d9855ec1
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