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Commit 04dac01c authored by Nathaniel Graham's avatar Nathaniel Graham
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Very slightly increase text contrast for the default Breeze color scheme

BUG: 381288

For active elements, use Shade Black instead of Charcoal Grey and Paper White instead of Cardboard Grey. This slightly increases contrast and makes text easier to read.

Test Plan:
Insufficient text contrast has been noted in reviews of Plasma, for example

> However, font color and contrast are in need of an improvement. I had to change the theme and set the text color to pure black, and this provides an immediate ergonomic boost and helps reduce the strain on the eyes. I really don’t understand why distros don’t use simple black color for fonts. Everything else is configurable but the text should be crystal clear.

Pure black has a few disadvantages, since some people find pure black on pure white to be blinding. So I changed the gray text to a darker gray, but it's not solid black, so there is still never a solid-black-on-pure-white situation.

Compare old vs new and look at the text and tooltips:





IMHO the second ones are clearer and less muddy, and therefore **easier** on the eyes, not harder.

Reviewers: hpereiradacosta, jensreuterberg, jriddell, kvermette, #vdg, abetts

Reviewed By: #vdg, abetts

Subscribers: subdiff, abetts, januz, progwolff, broulik, sebas, plasma-devel

Tags: #plasma, #breeze

Differential Revision:
parent 0d291b3f
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