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Commit 1de13cc3 authored by Oliver Kellogg's avatar Oliver Kellogg
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Followup to commit 0ff63e4f improvements in AssociationWidget :

- In function findInterceptOnEdge implement TODO note "try replacing by
  intersect()"; to be precise, use the Qt5 QLineF function intersects().
- In function updateAssociations foreach-loop over list,
  - continue to next iteration if (assocwidget == this);
  - add local Uml::Region::Enum regionAdjustedToRole = region;
  - if startsAtOther is true then flip regionAdjustedToRole such that
    North becomes South, West becomes East and vice versa;
  - on calling findInterceptOnEdge() use regionAdjustedToRole in lieu of
parent 0ff63e4f
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