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Commit 12615a59 authored by Oliver Kellogg's avatar Oliver Kellogg
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Continuation of support for Rose import of controlled units:

- At function loadFromMDL change argument "bool requireDesign" into
  "UMLPackage *parentPkg" defaulting to NULL. Pass parentPkg into call to

- In function handleControlledUnit pass parentPkg into call to
- At function petalTree2Uml change argument "bool requireDesign" into
  "UMLPackage *parentPkg" defaulting to NULL. If parentPkg is non NULL then
  create an UMLObject::ot_Package with root->initialArgs()[1] as name and
  parentPkg as parent.  Reassign parentPkg from the object created, and
  pass parentPkg into call to umbrellify.

parent a113a1be
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