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Commit 4a2e90f6 authored by Jonathan Poelen's avatar Jonathan Poelen
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CSS, SCSS: update properties, functions, at-rules and more highlighting

New highlighting:
- Vendor Properties: properties prefixed with `-webkit-`, `-moz`, `-o-` or `-ms-`
- At Rule Text: text in `@rules text`
- Block Symbol: `{` and `}`
- Unknown Function
- Calc Constant: `pi`, `inifity`, `e` and `NaN` in `calc()`
- Condition Open/Close: `(` and `)` with `@media` and `@supports`
- Condition Property: properties in `@media`/`@supports (prop: value)`
- Media Type
- Property Separator: `:` in `prop: value;`
- Named Color
- Selector Symbol
- Attribute Name: name in `[name=value]`
- Attribute Operator symbols and operator (`s`/`i`) in `[name=value i]`

Also contains a script capable of extracting properties and functions from an mdn or sass repository and updating the syntaxes.
parent dcb0ded3
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