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Commit 34e3efd8 authored by Nate Graham's avatar Nate Graham
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Revert "startplasma-wayland: Don't set GDK_SCALE and GDK_DPI_SCALE"

This reverts commit 63de3d6f.

This change was incorrect and the original logic for it was backwards;
it was stated that keeping it causes non-GTK XWayland (e.g. Electron)
apps to be scaled incorrectly. But in fact the opposite was true;
getting rid of it was what causes them to be scaled incorrectly! This
mistake was made due to due to the presence of a loca workaround on my
system that inverted the behavior.

BUG: 465733
FIXED-IN: 5.27.1

CCBUG: 443215
parent f338714e
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