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Commit 2be90db5 authored by David Edmundson's avatar David Edmundson
Browse files

Fix most of the lock screen

The commit  introduced the idea of tying the UI to the authentication
state. Starting and cancelling as the UI became visible.
Whilst nice on paper this had two critical bugs:

- cancelling an interactive authentication leads to an entry in the
faillock list. This means pressing escape 3 times in quick successsion
could lock you out your account for 10 minutes.

- There was a concept of a failed state, which wasn't handled in the UI
properly leading to prompts disappearing.

The notification about the failed lock could not be seen.

It also failed to handle the prompts correctly, we had multiple things
bound to the same root.notification completely ignoring the
handleMessage function which is trying to stack messages.

This reverts some of commit 59cdc995,
but keeps the core feature.

BUG: 477326
BUG: 465266
parent fb3aee76
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