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Commit 2aecaa50 authored by Martin Klapetek's avatar Martin Klapetek
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Sanitize whitespace in notification popups

With this patch the text is first trimmed from whitespace at the
beginning and end, then all \ns are converted to <br/> (as before), then
the text replaces all remaining inner whitespace with single space and
finally, if there are two or more new lines in succession, it turns it
into just one.

REVIEW: 122314
BUG: 343532
parent e05b20f1
No related merge requests found
......@@ -218,7 +218,16 @@ uint NotificationsEngine::Notify(const QString &app_name, uint replaces_id,
const QString source = QString("notification %1").arg(id);
QString bodyFinal = (partOf == 0 ? body : _body);
// First trim whitespace from beginning and end
bodyFinal = bodyFinal.trimmed();
// Now replace all \ns with <br/>
bodyFinal = bodyFinal.replace(QLatin1String("\n"), QLatin1String("<br/>"));
// Now remove all inner whitespace (\ns are already <br/>s
bodyFinal = bodyFinal.simplified();
// Finally, check if we don't have multiple <br/>s following,
// can happen for example when "\n \n" is sent, this replaces
// all <br/>s in succsession with just one
bodyFinal.replace(QRegularExpression("<br/>\\s*<br/>(\\s|<br/>)*"), QLatin1String("<br/>"));
// This fancy RegExp escapes every occurence of & since QtQuick Text will blatantly cut off
// text where it finds a stray ampersand.
// Only &{apos, quot, gt, lt, amp}; as well as &#123 character references will be allowed
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