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Commit 5f1b83a6 authored by Andreas Bontozoglou's avatar Andreas Bontozoglou Committed by Méven Car
Browse files

RecentFiles kcm: whattoremember: Make the value visible in the UI match the value saved

In this commit:

1. Setting the property `kcfg_property=kcfg_value` on the QGroupBox. This should force
   the KConfigDialogManager to use that to retrieve that value that needs to be stored.
2. Introducing RecentFilesKcm::whatToRememberWidgetChanged which figures out the correct
   value of "what-to-remember" and sets it under the property `kcfg_value` and triggers
   the Save/Reset buttons.
3. Linking the above slot to the `QAbstractButton::clicked` signals of the radio buttons

BUG: 397487
parent 83691f22
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