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Verified Commit 351e676f authored by Fushan Wen's avatar Fushan Wen
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taskmanager: Update rootIndex when visibility is changed

When there are two grouped tasks named A and B, and the position
of B is swapped with A (by dragging B), user can still see old
items of A in the textual list of grouped tasks B.

This is because in the original binding expression, both visualParent
and itemIndex are not changed, so QML will not re-evaluate the

To only update rootIndex when `groupDialog.visible` is true,
`Binding.when` is used, and `Binding.RestoreNone` is to avoid
sudden changes in height.

BUG: 446108
parent 0d847a02
Pipeline #103910 passed with stage
in 2 minutes and 41 seconds
  • Developer

    @fusionfuture Can I kindly ask you to add a boilerplate comment when doing this QtQml magic?

    // Deliberately imported after QtQuick to avoid missing restoreMode property in Binding. Fix in Qt 6.
  • Fushan Wen @fusionfuture ·
    Author Developer

    Eh, it seems too long. What about // TODO: Remove in Qt 6?

  • Developer

    This is what Qt uses upstream, so it makes sense to just stick with it. I'm pushing it to master, alight?

    Edited by ivan tkachenko
  • Fushan Wen @fusionfuture ·
    Author Developer


  • ivan tkachenko 🗯 @ratijas

    mentioned in commit 9cfd6141


    mentioned in commit 9cfd6141

    Toggle commit list
  • Developer

    Done: 9cfd6141

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