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Commit a6c0dbdb authored by Hartmut Riesenbeck's avatar Hartmut Riesenbeck Committed by Andreas Cord-Landwehr
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Fix practise conjugations.

To make practice conjugations work two bugs had to be fixed:

The first bug was caused by uninitialized member variable m_toTranslation
in EntryFilter constructor. This caused that DocumentSettings could
not be loaded and EntryFilter::m_tenses was empty (later in
EntryFilter::cleanupInvalid method). Changed constructor to initialize
m_toTranslation from Prefs::learningLanguage() and m_fromTranslation
from Prefs::knownLanguage(). The second was not necessary to load the
document settings, but was inserted for the sake of order.

The member m_tenses is used in EntryFilter::cleanupInvalid method to
remove entries which don't have any of the tenses which are configured
for practice. Now that document settings was not loaded propperly before,
m_tenses is empty. Because m_tenses was empty, all entries were removed
and the error dialog was shown.

After this was fixed, it came out that the conjugation prcatice widget
didn't display the verbs to_translation and from_translation. This was
caused by an incomplete initialisation of TestEntry objects in
EntryFilter::conjugationTestEntries method. This was fixed by init the
To- and From-Language of each new test enty from m_toTranslation and
m_fromTranslation of EntryFilter.

BUG: 350887
REVIEW: 127155
parent a8af5058
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