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Commit eee93e0f authored by James Graham's avatar James Graham
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Chatbar Refactor

This is mostly a stylistic rework of the chatbar but there are some buxfixes / improvements in here as well. The aim was to make the chatbar so it's size was managed in the same manner as the timeline in both bubble and compactmode in the same manner as !476.

The other features are:
- Replies, attachments and edits now look like they are inside the chatbar and use a similar styling to edits in message bubbles
- Replies and edits now part of the message so they arte part of the ScrollView and will scroll away when the text is long
- ~~The emoji picker is now a popup so it doesn't mess with the timeline layout when activated~~ (done in !697)
- ~~Emoji dialog is now no longer required as the picker itself is a popup now~~ (no longer the case see above)
- The scrollbar now sits on the right of the chatbar actions rather than weirdly to the left
- The action icons will always stay in the same place even as the chatbar gets taller


Scrollbar behaviour before

Scrollbar behaviour after
parent 826760a5
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