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Commit 7bd84bf5 authored by James Graham's avatar James Graham
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Push Rule Model Rework

This is a significant rework of the handling of push rules. Rather than using a lot of boilerplate code for the default models `KeywordNotificationModel` has been converted to `PushRuleModel` and now handles all push rules.

The new model has the following features:
- Handles all push rules
- Has special handling for the names of default keywords (i.e. it still gives the same text as previously for showing in the settings menus)
- Push rules for blocking individuals or room overrides are still there but hidden so will be available for developer tools (to follow)
- Room specific keywords are now supported.

The notification settings pages have also been refactored to take advantage of the new models. Each section is now just a repeater with a filter for the rules that it should contain. The push rule delegate has now been cleaned up and uses required properties.

Implements #574
parent a6ce44eb
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