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Commit 87dbf57d authored by Laurent Montel's avatar Laurent Montel
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Add replyAsHtml support in templateparserjob

parent d44ebc99
Pipeline #21148 passed with stage
in 28 minutes and 11 seconds
  • @mlaurent Salut. I am currently trying to understand some code using TemplateParserJob, but now ran into this additional flag added here, which leaves me puzzled:

    Where would one call this from the outside, over having things controlled from the templates (cmp. the enum Quotes { ReplyAsOriginalMessage, ReplyAsPlain, ReplyAsHtml };, and what effect has this property in combination with all the possible values of the template's "quote"? (Edit: as in, what effect should it have by design?)

    Would create a patch for adding API dox afterwards :)

    Edited by Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
  • And there is also TemplateParserSettings::self()->replyUsingVisualFormat(), which I would have understood to control things? What relation should have the flag as set by setReplyAsHtml()to that by design?

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