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Commit 3078bc25 authored by Alexander Lohnau's avatar Alexander Lohnau
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Allow applets to have empty json metadata & use KPackage's metadata instead

This way we do not embed the json metadata in the plugins
and can avoid the parsing of it at runtime.

The plugin id from KPackage metadata must correspond to the plugin
filename. Because we often use the reverse domain notation,
frameworks/kcoreaddons!202 is
needed for correctly deriving the id.

In KF6 we can enforce this naming convention and thus get rid of the startup
cache. This would further optimize the plugin loading, because we only need
to load the libraries that we actually want to create plugins from.

parent 849746d7
Pipeline #153975 passed with stage
in 1 minute and 40 seconds
  • Developer

    @alex I think this caused (and the numerous duplicates). From what I can tell, this:

                if (factory->metaData().rawData().isEmpty()) {

    means that the package metadata is used, which means our applet ID ends up being "org.kde.plasma.systemmonitor.memory" instead of "org.kde.plasma.systemmonitor" which is the parent plugin. When that plugin ID is then written to config, the preset is being loaded every time Plasma starts instead of only once.

  • mentioned in commit plasma-workspace@d4abf0ed

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  • mentioned in merge request plasma-workspace!1994 (merged)

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  • Author Developer

    When that plugin ID is then written to config, the preset is being loaded every time Plasma starts instead of only once.

    I do not quite understand the parts where the presets are loaded. plasma-workspace!1994 (merged) Should take care of the plugin id being set to the parent value.

  • mentioned in commit plasma-workspace@262bf0af

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  • mentioned in commit plasma-workspace@e64c1372

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