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Commit 258cecbf authored by David Edmundson's avatar David Edmundson
Browse files

windowthumbnail: Cleanup on scene graph invalidation

The documentation
states that if we are doing our own low level handling of graphic
resources we need to perform cleanup in 3 places:

 - on item destruction
- when an item is removed from the scene (via the virtual
- when the scenegraph gets invalidated (via a slot

We only handled the first two.

This would cause a crash if the window thumbnail is showing just an icon
instead of a thumbnail and we hit one of the nvidia context loss resets.
The atlas texture would be deleted, but we would keep a QSGTexture
refernecing something inside that for longer which would linger.

I believe we only need the texture provider to reset, but we may as well
do it all.

BUG: 445893
parent 46a07ae1
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