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Commit e5fe3137 authored by Martin Flöser's avatar Martin Flöser
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Fix the ignore struts multi-screen handling

The checks in Client::adjustedClientArea were a little bit too
agressive, excluding also valid setups.

This change addresses the regression by keeping the actual intended
improvements in place.

The check in Client::adjustedClientArea is now only done for the
special case of desktopArea == area. This ensures that a strut excluding
a complete screen won't affect the overall workarea.

In addition new checks are introduced in Workspace::updateClientArea.
When calculating the new sareas a check is performed whether the
intersection with the adjustedClientArea would result in the sarea
becoming empty (thus a screen being completely removed). If that's the
case the geometry is ignored to not exclude a complete screen.

Interestingly I should have noticed that something with the logic is
odd. As the test case had two commented geometries which we now get.

BUG: 363804

Reviewers: #plasma, apol, lbeltrame

Subscribers: plasma-devel

Tags: #plasma

Differential Revision:
parent 7818a1fa
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