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Commit 3bc60893 authored by Martin Flöser's avatar Martin Flöser
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Only repeat one key

So far KWin tried to repeat all pressed keys which should repeat. But
this is not how X11 and e.g. QtWayland handle it. There only one key -
the last one which got pressed - repeats. And this makes sense as the
key is used to generate a keysym and that one KWin caches. Thus the
logic so far resulted in incorrect keysyms to be generated during the
repeat. E.g. pressing a, pressing b, releasing b would repeat b instead
of the hold a as b was the last generated keysym.

This change addresses this problem and let's only one key repeat at a
time. When the currently repeating key gets released the repeat timer is
stopped and other hold keys won't repeat any more. This also matches the
behavior of X11 and QtWayland.

BUG: 369091
FIXED-IN: 5.8.1

Reviewers: #kwin, #plasma_on_wayland

Subscribers: plasma-devel, kwin

Tags: #plasma_on_wayland, #kwin

Differential Revision:
parent 26ad65b1
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