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Commit 023fc220 authored by David Edmundson's avatar David Edmundson
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wayland: Update pointer state before ending the drag

ending a drag will update focus. Kwin explicitly resets it to whatever
is now under the mouse now that the implicit grab has ended.

This means no-one sends a pointer up.

Clients (xwayland) don't automatically make leave events count as a
mouse up, because typically you don't get a leave event whilst we have a

Xwayland also can't track the status of the wl_datasource as it didn't
use it.

This patch shouldn't affect any wayland clients as we don't send a frame event
until the focus changes which is after the dnd_finished events.

BUG: 465444

Testing done:
 - dragged firefox under xwayland tabs out from firefox to the desktop
 - confirmed a new window appeared
parent 78643b95
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