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Commit 52bdce6a authored by Johan Ouwerkerk's avatar Johan Ouwerkerk
Browse files

Cleanup KSudoku::updateShapesList() to remove manual path fiddling.

Summary: This change resolves Phabricator/Maniphest task T5977.

Test Plan:
Compiled & tested I could still generate custom game variant puzzles: Mathdoku 4x4, Killer 9x9.

Also, to confirm the duplicate filtering is redundant I ran ksudoku with a deliberately messed up `XDG_DATA_DIRS` environment variable:
XDG_DATA_DIRS="$XDG_DATA_DIRS:$PWD/kde-5/share;$PWD/kde-5/share;$PWD/kde-5/share" ./kde-5/bin/ksudoku

(Which still lists each game variant type only once, meaning the filtering was in fact redundant.)

Reviewers: #kde_games, ltoscano

Reviewed By: ltoscano

Subscribers: ltoscano, #kde_games

Maniphest Tasks: T5977

Differential Revision:
parent b7670c45
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