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Commit 6853ce95 authored by Akarsh Simha's avatar Akarsh Simha
Browse files

+ Separate the test for significant gravitational lensing around the

  sun from the actual lensing calculation. Now there are two methods
  -- checkBendLight() and bendlight(), the former doing the job of
  checking whether the skypoint is close enough to the sun to be
  lensed by its gravity.

+ [Major] Recompute coordinates of a SkyPoint only when about a minute
  has passed since the last recomputation. This means that precession,
  nutation, aberration, are calculated only when there are
  sufficiently large changes in time. This is expected to increase the
  speed of recomputing the skymap, although I have not tested the

  This is also a potentially dangerous change. I've not tested to
  check that precession is recomputed when the step is sufficiently

parent 691d0e97
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