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Commit 30e7c80c authored by Akarsh Simha's avatar Akarsh Simha
Browse files

Use smooth scaling in eyepiece view feature. Also show temp images.

1. Some cosmetics
2. Using smooth scaling in the eyepiece view feature to produce a less
   granular image.
3. Show image in Eyepiece View feature even if it is just a temporary

Some TODO items and future thoughts:

This image handling seems broken in the sense that the concept of a
temp image is confounding to a developer; then imagine how confounding
it must be to a user. It was a suggestion put forth by yours truly to
ensure reduced consumption of disk space, but it seems superfluous
because the "temp" images seem to be retained anyway.

A rewrite of the image handling, to ensure that the images are always
saved, with a feature to "Download all images" instead of "Save all
images", and also including metadata of the image somehow or the other
(things like DSS vs. SDSS, field of view size w x h, and which UBVRI
band etc.) and a way to at least check by back-tracking if a point is
in the latest SDSS footprint, also moving to the latest SDSS data
release would be very nice.
parent 05e4b486
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