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Commit a80288eb authored by Roney Gomes's avatar Roney Gomes
Browse files

Do not hide ships when they cannot be placed.

Some methods in the Delegate classes were too much procedural to my
like. I don't see with good eyes a method that should return a bool
returning a pointer instead.

To get rid of this, Delegate::canAddShip() now returns bool and when we
need to get a pointer to the next ship to be placed, nextShip() -- which
became public -- does its job.

This is not everything, the coolest part of this commit is that now
sprites will turn red when a ship can't be placed and green when this is
not the case. Just like some RTS games do. :-)

Just between us, having no sprites at all wasn't very user friendly.

FEATURE: 308215
FIXED-IN: 4.13.1
parent 4e1c1dc6
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