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Verified Commit a1d75bee authored by ivan tkachenko's avatar ivan tkachenko 🗯
Browse files

GlobalToolBar: Clean up, fix and rework BreadcrumbControl

Ports everything to qualified property access. Shuffles properties and
adds helper functions as needed. Ports Flickable to ListView.

Fixes RTL positioning. ListView is quite weird is how it treats contentX
in RTL mode, but now it works.

Fixes various JavaScript and QML gotchas, like executing long-running
handler in a broken/deleted context of a delegate; or inappropriate
abuse of children list for get currentItem from a Repeater.

Fixes off-by-one error in handling clicks in layers mode.


Test plan:

1. Run Kirigami Gallery in both English and RTL locales.
2. Open sidebar, select «Top Bar Style…» -> Select «Breadcrumb».
3. Open sidebar again, select «Open a Layer».
4. On layers page, push couple of layers with a button.
5. Resize window back and forth to test behavior with different width values.
parent 00899e47
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