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Commit 562e6a9b authored by Marco Martin's avatar Marco Martin
Browse files

Refactor of OverlaySheet based off Popup

Base OverlaySheet on Popup, making ti behave in a way more similar to them.

Two small changes are needed in code using it:
sheetOpen -> should just be visible now
contentItem: cannot be assigned, implementations should just be:

    OverlaySheet {
        ColumnLayout {...}
parent 365210d4
Pipeline #331403 passed with stage
in 5 minutes and 5 seconds
    • Developer
    • Developer

      idk why it even has to be there. Popup could (and should!) handle the Back button on its own. so, i'd say, kill it with fire

    • Developer

      even the signal?

    • Developer

      i guess the signal itself is fine. but the whole signal handler there is just to close OverlaySheet items, which were not regular Dialogs back then, so couldn't intercept focus and Beck button events.

    • Developer

      They used to be a qtobject so yea.

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