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Commit cf8906a4 authored by Eike Hein's avatar Eike Hein
Browse files

A series of changes to avoid a directory relist after a file rename in more cases.

* Extend KProtocolInfo to allow a slave's .protocol file to declare the
  slave will handle producing certain notifications (here: Rename) by itself.
* Make SimpleJob skip a call to the file rename notification interface when
  a slave declares it will handle the file rename notification itself.
* Introduce a new version of the file rename notification interface in
  KDirNotify that can cary an optional local destination path, for special
  cases where we have a non-local URL that is actually a local file anyway
  that needs its UDS_LOCAL_PATH updated (example: desktop:/).
* Extend KFileItem to allow updating its internal UDS_LOCAL_PATH.
* Use the new expanded file rename notification interface and KFileItem API
  to update existing file items in KCoreDirLister also when they have a non-
  local URL but a local path, instead of resorting to a directory re-list.

kio_desktop will be updated to implement rename() by itself an...
parent 6ab53dfa
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