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Commit 449d55cf authored by Anton Anikin's avatar Anton Anikin Committed by Kevin Funk
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Fix KDevelop crashes when trying to debug from command-line

Fixes the crash in KDE bug #367837 that is caused by starting
debugging session from command line:

kdevelop -d gdb dolphin

This caused to ASSERT: QFile::exists(). Current version fix it
by searching full paths for such binaries.

FIXED-IN: 5.0.1
(cherry picked from commit b386fb1c)
parent 24871784
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......@@ -566,7 +566,19 @@ int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
qerr << endl << i18nc("@info:shell", "Specify the binary you want to debug.") << endl;
return 1;
debugeeName = i18n("Debug %1", QUrl( debugArgs.first() ).fileName());
QFileInfo binaryInfo(debugArgs.first());
if (!binaryInfo.exists()) {
binaryInfo = QStandardPaths::findExecutable(debugArgs.first());
if (!binaryInfo.exists()) {
QTextStream qerr(stderr);
qerr << endl << i18nc("@info:shell", "Specified binary does not exists.") << endl;
return 1;
debugArgs.first() = binaryInfo.absoluteFilePath();
debugeeName = i18n("Debug %1", binaryInfo.fileName());
session = debugeeName;
} else if ( parser.isSet("new-session") )
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