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Commit 3fb98a75 authored by Milian Wolff's avatar Milian Wolff
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Do not offer signature assistant for changes in Qt signals.

Based on the work of Rolf Eike Beer minus the regression of
not showing the assistant for non-Qt function declarations.

Sorry for taking so long for this :-/

BUG: 315167
REVIEW: 109197
parent e434ac2f
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......@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
#include "cppduchain.h"
#include "renameaction.h"
#include "qtfunctiondeclaration.h"
using namespace KDevelop;
using namespace Cpp;
......@@ -83,6 +84,13 @@ AdaptDefinitionSignatureAssistant::AdaptDefinitionSignatureAssistant(KTextEditor
if(!funDecl || !funDecl->type<FunctionType>())
if(QtFunctionDeclaration* classFun = dynamic_cast<QtFunctionDeclaration*>(funDecl)) {
if (classFun->isSignal()) {
// do not offer to change signature of a signal, as the implementation will be generated by moc
Declaration* otherSide = 0;
FunctionDefinition* definition = dynamic_cast<FunctionDefinition*>(funDecl);
if (definition)
......@@ -216,6 +224,12 @@ void AdaptDefinitionSignatureAssistant::parseJobFinished(KDevelop::ParseJob* job
DUContext *functionCtxt = DUChainUtils::getFunctionContext(functionDecl);
if (!functionCtxt)
if(QtFunctionDeclaration* classFun = dynamic_cast<QtFunctionDeclaration*>(functionDecl)) {
if (classFun->isSignal()) {
// do not offer to change signature of a signal, as the implementation will be generated by moc
//ParseJob having finished, get the signature that was modified
Signature newSignature = getDeclarationSignature(functionDecl, functionCtxt, false);
......@@ -229,7 +243,10 @@ void AdaptDefinitionSignatureAssistant::parseJobFinished(KDevelop::ParseJob* job
setDefaultParams(newSignature, oldPositions); //restore default parameters before updating the declarations
renameActions = getRenameActions(newSignature, oldPositions); //rename as needed when updating the definition
addAction(IAssistantAction::Ptr(new AdaptSignatureAction(m_otherSideId, m_otherSideTopContext, m_oldSignature, newSignature, m_editingDefinition, renameActions)));
addAction(IAssistantAction::Ptr(new AdaptSignatureAction(m_otherSideId, m_otherSideTopContext,
m_oldSignature, newSignature,
m_editingDefinition, renameActions)));
emit actionsChanged();
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