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Commit 2c88030c authored by Chusslove Illich's avatar Chusslove Illich
Browse files

Redacted holiday definitions for RS and BA-SRP.

These are the holiday definitions for Serbia (rs), and for
the Republic of Srpska entity in Bosnia and Herzegovina (ba-srp).
They contain only the holidays specifically mentioned in the respective
government lists of official holidays, plus a few technical dates
(e.g. daylight saving time switching).

Some major religious holidays are included in here already, for
several religious denominations, as they appear on the official lists.
More detailed religious holiday definitions, split by denomination,
may follow later as interested parties contribute them.

Both holiday files are reproduced in the four standard dialect-script
variants of Serbian language, as supported by KDE localization.

BUG: 295780
FIXED-IN: 4.11
parent 0f1bae5b
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