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Commit a3e21feb authored by Julius Künzel's avatar Julius Künzel 💬
Browse files

Clear effect xmls by moving frei0r into a seperate folder

parent 2ee142a6
  • Julius Künzel 💬 @jlskuz

    mentioned in commit fead2a06


    mentioned in commit fead2a06

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  • Developer

    Is it intentional that they're installed to a different dir?

  • Author Developer

    @arojas Thanks for heads up! What do mean by different? Different than what? You mean effects instead of effects/frei0r? If so yes this is intended. The goal was to make the folder structure more clean in the source code, but to make Kdenlive find all the effect files we have to install all files to the effects folder in ${DATA_INSTALL_DIR}${DATA_INSTALL_PREFIX} and not to subfolders…

  • Developer

    No, I mean ${DATA_INSTALL_PREFIX}/effects vs ${DATA_INSTALL_PREFIX}/kdenlive/effects

  • Author Developer

    @arojas If ${DATA_INSTALL_DIR}/kdenlive/effects is still used somewhere this is wrong.

    Since on macOS we need to install to ${DATA_INSTALL_DIR}/effects (without kdenlive) I introduced DATA_INSTALL_PREFIX (which is kdenlive on all OSs exepct macOS) on commit 99781d53. So now it should be ${DATA_INSTALL_DIR}${DATA_INSTALL_PREFIX}/effects everywhere…

  • Developer

    OK, so the thing is that this was cherry-picked to 21.08 but 99781d53 wasn't. So these are installed to the wrong path in 21.08, and it affects the pre-release 21.08.2 tarballs. You may want to fix it asap and ping @heikobecker for a respin before the official release this Thursday.

  • Author Developer

    Oh yes! Working on a fix right now!

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