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Commit 8ca31313 authored by Julius Künzel's avatar Julius Künzel 💬
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Add option to save temporary data in same folder as the project file

Fixes #1106
parent 375e01f6
Pipeline #68500 passed with stage
in 8 minutes and 49 seconds
  • Reporter

    Awesome! Has a small bug, should I reopen the ticket?


    Thank you!

    And if this checkbox could remember it's state would also be helpful. As if I select it on a new project, it would stay active in new projects until I toggle it. I would leave it always on, since I like to keep project files all in their folders.

    Edited by Bruno Santos
  • Author Developer

    @bsantos Thanks for the hint, will fix it. In general the option can not be changed for a new project individually because it is code-wise difficult to implement (so it is wrong that the option get enabled after toggling the other checkbox).

    However your workflow is still possible because you can set a default option that will than be used for each new project: go to Settings > Configure Kdenlive… > Project Defaults and enable the option there and the data will be moved as soon as you save the project for the first time.

    Edited by Julius Künzel
  • Author Developer

    Okay, I think I found a solution to implement it for new projects too. Forget what I said in the first paragraph of my previous comment…

    But to remember the state Settings > Configure Kdenlive… > Project Defaults is still the way to go. This is how it works for the other parameters too.

  • Reporter

    Perfect, hadn't seen it in the kdenlive settings yet. Thank you very much @jlskuz !

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