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Commit 05f7e41b authored by Luigi Toscano's avatar Luigi Toscano
Browse files

The outputFile parameter is not used by the stylesheets, don't pass it

This solve an old issue: if a directory starts with ".", it was passed
unquoted to libxslt which would complain with an error like:
XPath error : Invalid expression
runtime error
Evaluating user parameter outputFile failed
Excluding the parameter on windows-only was just a workaround, but most
probably the issue has been on UNIX systems too for a long time.

Another way to solve the bug is quoting the _value_ of the parameter using
single quotes '...', but anyway in this case the name of output file is
not used, or I can't find any occurrence in the stylesheets.
The stylesheet is applied and the name of the file is used only after
to write the generated XML (see tranform() function).

Backport from the similar fix applied on frameworks.

BUG: 246755
parent f7dcc36e
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