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Commit 383aa77e authored by Hanspeter Niederstrasser's avatar Hanspeter Niederstrasser Committed by David Edmundson
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kdeclarative plugins should be built as a bundle plugin and not a shared library

The kdeclarative plugins (draganddropplugin, kcoreaddonsplugin, kio, kquickcontrolsprivateplugin, and kquickcontrolsaddonsplugin) are being built as shared libraries. They should be built as bundles (MODULE) in the CMakeLists.txt file.

When built as SHARED as in the current code, libdraganddropplugin.dylib gets installed to $PREFIX/share/qt5/qml/org/kde/draganddrop, but is given an OS X install_name of $PREFIX/lib/libdraganddropplugin.dylib. This mismatch can cause problems. It is also given a compatibility_version of 0.0.0.

BUG: 342962
REVIEW: 124892
parent 67999d21
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