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Commit 8c5902e4 authored by Harald Sitter's avatar Harald Sitter 🐧
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Fix traceback in Python runner plugins

Plamascript.Runner is the base of python krunner plugins. These plugins
implement the C++ signals prepare, teardown, createRunOptions and
reloadConfiguration in actual methods (the signal wiring happens in which is the loading component). As a result of this calls
to any of these methods will fall through to plasmascript.Runner whenever
the actual runner does not implement them. However plasmascript.Runner is
missing the implicit 'self' argument such that one gets silly python
backtraces like

File "/usr/share/kde4/apps/plasma_scriptengine_python/", line 90, in reloadConfiguration

To prevent this from happening the functions now have the implicit self

Also see:

REVIEW: 114314
parent 3ab6ca57
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