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Commit 4bf77613 authored by Martin Flöser's avatar Martin Flöser
Browse files

Move control of desktop layout from pager to KWin

The desktop layout (number of rows) should be
controlled by the window manager as it is also
responsible for the number of desktops and the
names of them.

The setting for the rows is moved from the pager
UI to the virtual desktops KCM. The desktop layout
is set when KWin starts and updated by the KCM.

With this change there is no process claiming the
manager selection for pager any more. This means
the KDE Plasma Workspaces are no longer compliant
to the complete section of _NET_DESKTOP_LAYOUT in
the EWMH.

REVIEW: 102073
BUG: 277965
FEATURE: 105779
FEATURE: 213353
FIXED-IN: 4.8.0
parent 52a3484c
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