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Commit 99ccc5f4 authored by Peter Penz's avatar Peter Penz
Browse files

Improvements for slow sorting roles

If the sorting is done for data which is resolved asynchronously
(e.g. rating), it is important to give a visual feedback about
the state of the sorting. This is done now by a progress
indication in the statusbar.

Also optimizations for "Sort by type" have been done: Although
resolving a type can be expensive in the most often case it is a
very cheap operation. So it the sorting is done by type, try
to resolve the type synchronously for at least 200 ms to prevent
a asynchronous resorting. This is usually sufficient to have
resolved types even for directories with several thousands of

BUG: 292733
FIXED-IN: 4.9.0
parent 909f0cd9
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