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Commit fb00f08d authored by Daniel Vrátil's avatar Daniel Vrátil 🤖
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IncidenceFormatter: fix start/end dt of recurrent event crossing DST

This fixes a particular case when a recurrent event is created during
DST but a subsequent recurrence occurs after DST ends. The formatter
would still show the start/end time of the occurrence as if the
DST still applied. This is best noticed when system timezone does not
observe DST, but the displayed incidence from a timezone uses DST.

This change replaces a custom (broken) algorithm by the one provided
by KCalendarCore to obtain start/end datetime of an incidence on
a particular date, which is actually correct.

BUG: 451459
BUG: 460186
FIXED-IN: 5.24.1
parent ddbad722
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